At Summit, we focus on preventing digital bottlenecks and security threats that can make your business less efficient, less competitive and even put it at risk.
As a Managed Security Services Provider (MSSP), we provide the cyber services and technologies that close critical security gaps, strengthen your business resiliency and reduce your staff’s susceptibility to phishing emails, texts, and social media scams.
Security weaknesses can bring down a business faster than competitors or market disruptions. Summit has certified security engineers with the necessary knowledge and skill to help protect you from evolving threats. Summit offers Managed Security Services, including a 24/7 Security Operations Center to provide more predictability and control over your IT budget.
We specialize in the most cost-effective and overlooked component of cybersecurity protection—from our fully administered security awareness service called Phishgoggles to our more hands-on approach. These tools reduce your threat from online scams responsible for the vast majority of cyberattacks. Summit also offers financial incentives for local businesses through the MD Cybersecurity Investment Incentive Tax Credit .